Subscribe to comic books directly from the U.S.! 

Through us you can buy almost everything in the massive and monthly Previews catalog which is chock-full of US comics, magazines, movies, toys and other cool stuff. You can also subscribe and follow your favorite comics each month.

We have different prices depending on what you order:

* 9 SEK per dollar if you order comics
* 10 SEK per dollar if you order other than comics or books (due to higher tax rates)

If you buy a comic book for $ 3 it costs 27 SEK
If you buy a t-shirt for $ 16 it costs 160 SEK

Send your order to us via e-mail: order@prempa.nu

Please specify:
* Title of what you want to order
* Page number in Previews
* If you want a continued subscription or just a single issue

Your orders are usually sent to you once a month. All single issues from us are
delivered in bags and boards as needed to safeguard the comics. The weight of
your order determines your shipping costs, but will at most be 75 SEK (for orders within Sweden).

Once a month we also try to have pick-up somewhere in central Stockholm so
you can meet us in person and collect your comics without the shipping cost. Contact us about pickup: order@prempa.nu

Most items in the Previews catalog are pre-ordered and usually arrive after about
3 months.

The Previews catalog is your key to order from us, email us to order your copy for
20 SEK + shipping.

If you subscribe to at least five comic books we will send you the Previews catalog
at no extra charge.

Hög av Serier (Stack of Comics / High on Comics) is Sweden's premiere podcast on
comics, but it's in Swedish. Listen and learn!

Don't hesitate to contact us: